More than 3000 join Māori electoral roll after Treaty hīkoi

The Hīkoi: A Shift in Māori Voting Behavior

In recent months, New Zealand has witnessed a significant change in Māori voting behavior, as many Māori citizens have switched from the general roll to the Māori roll. This shift is attributed to the 2023 law change that allowed voters of Māori descent to switch between the two rolls at any time except in the three months before an election.

The Rise of Social Media

Social media played a crucial role in spreading awareness about the Māori seats and the importance of voting on the Māori roll. The likes of Eru Kapa-Kingi, Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke, and other young Māori politicians used social media platforms to reach out to their communities and raise awareness about the issues affecting them.

The Role of Education

Despite the law change, many Māori citizens are still unaware of what is involved in switching between the two rolls. This lack of education has led to a historical stigma surrounding the Māori seats, with some Māori people feeling that their votes do not have more weight than anyone else.

According to Annie Te One, “Māori still only have the same number of votes as any other person in Aotearoa who is voting. Our votes don’t have more weight than anyone else – it is just the ability to respond to how we want our vote to best translate, whether that’s through the Māori electoral roll or through the general electoral roll.”

The Benefits of Flexibility

The number of people changing rolls during and after the hīkoi showed that flexibility of choice was a good thing. This shift has allowed more Māori citizens to engage with politics and have their voices heard.


In conclusion, the recent shift in Māori voting behavior is a significant development in New Zealand’s electoral landscape. As the country continues to evolve, it is essential to educate Māori citizens about the importance of voting on the Māori roll and how their votes can translate into seats. With the right education and awareness, Māori people can continue to make their voices heard and shape the future of New Zealand.

Overall, 3.65m people are enrolled to vote in Aotearoa. Of those, 563,964 are of Māori descent – with 292,825 (51.9 percent) on the Māori roll and 271,139 (48.1 percent) on the general roll.


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