Free vape samples coincide with vaping increase

New Zealand’s Vaping Crisis: A Growing Concern for Young People

The vaping crisis in New Zealand is a growing concern for young people, who are increasingly being targeted by tobacco companies and retailers. The crisis has seen a significant increase in the number of vapers, particularly among youth, with the total amount of vapers having increased by more than 200% since 2020.

The Rise of Vaping Among Young People

Vaping has become an increasingly popular trend among young people in New Zealand. According to Graham, “Rangatahi are open to sharing how they access vapes, and have revealed the many gaps.” Often, it’s an older sibling or an older person they know who can sneak a puff off, but there are also rangatahi who know where to go to purchase one.

The Role of Tobacco Companies

Tobacco companies are playing a significant role in the vaping crisis. Vuse, which is owned by British American Tobacco, has been criticized for its aggressive marketing tactics and lack of regulation. In 2020, Vuse ran a promotion that gave out free vapes with a purchase of $70, further fueling the crisis.

The Promises of Convenience

The newer “ready-to-go” vape from Vuse became free for two months this year, making it even more appealing to young people. The convenience and accessibility of vaping products are major concerns for health experts.

Graham said, “That’s a real issue when we have retailers who are well known within the community as to who will provide these products to our young people.” The ease with which young people can access vaping products is a significant concern, highlighting the need for stricter regulations and education campaigns.

The Need for Action

Graham emphasized the importance of listening to the voices of young people. “When we’re talking about policies that are going to impact our rangatahi, they need to be in the conversations.” The community needs to come together to address this crisis, with a focus on providing accurate information and support to young people.

The Crisis Calls for Urgent Action

The vaping crisis in New Zealand is a serious concern that requires urgent attention. As Graham said, “I think it also just highlights areas in which we need to be focusing as well as being able to get that information and making that accessible to community to know and understand the harms.” It’s essential to address this issue head-on, with a focus on education, regulation, and support for young people.


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