Digging into kai resilience with the Waitara Foodbank

A Break from Dependency: Waitara Foodbank’s Fight for Food Sovereignty

The cost-of-living crisis has taken its toll on the Taranaki region, and one of the most affected communities is the Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai. With a “broken model” of dependency, the foodbank is prioritizing food-sovereignty to counter this trend.

The Struggle is Real

Staff at the Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai have seen an increase in new faces walking through their doors, but community donations are not keeping up with the demand. “It’s desperate times for people,” says co-chairperson Tiri Porter (Te Ātiawa, Ngāpuhi). “The cost-of-living crisis affects us all and it’s aggravated for a generation of people who have never learned how to cook or grow kai.”

A Broken Model

The foodbank system is operating on a model of dependency, relying heavily on funding from regular users. This has led to sustainability issues, as Porter notes, “It’s simply unsustainable.” Foodbanks around the motu are struggling to cater for everyone due to lack of funds.

A New Approach

Enter Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai’s innovative approach. The foodbank is focusing on education and community-led initiatives to promote food sovereignty. For Porter, this means connecting people with the land, “It’s not just about the food coming out of it, it’s about the mahi that they’re doing on themselves and being out there growing.”

Community Garden Hub

The Waitara branch has become a hub for community gatherings, not just for food but also for social connections. Porter notes, “One of the main reasons people would want a community garden is the social side of it.” The foodbank aims to provide a space where people can come together and grow their own kai.

More Than Just Food

Olsen highlights that food is just one aspect of the services provided. “Because food is often only one of the things that someone needs, and if you’re hungry, there’s 12 other things that suffer.” The Waitara branch has become a vital service for people in need, providing a holistic approach to health and well-being.

A Success Story

The Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai is overwhelmed by the generosity of their community. Their annual community collections run raised significant funds to stock cupboards for the busy Christmas period. The foodbank’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, with Olsen stating, “We’re overjoyed, overtired, and completely in awe” of the donations received.

A New Era for Food Sovereignty

The Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai is leading the way in promoting food sovereignty in the Taranaki region. Their innovative approach is inspiring others to follow suit. As Porter notes, “Everything that we do here is community-led and community-driven, we’re listening to the people.” The future of food sovereignty looks bright with this pioneering organization at the forefront.

In conclusion, the Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai’s fight for food sovereignty is a beacon of hope in a time of need. By prioritizing education, community-led initiatives, and providing holistic services, they are breaking the cycle of dependency and empowering communities to take control of their own food systems.


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